Our mission is to light the path of truth and spiritual freedom.

Through the profound wisdom of the Bible, we seek to renew global consciousness, ensuring every soul reconnects with the divine power within and stands resilient against impending spiritual battles. The Bible’s Power is in Our Battle. 

When: Every Monday at 8 PM

Duration: 1 Hour

Platform: Zoom

Join the Community

Dive deep into the worlds of scripture and consciousness with our weekly community calls. Hosted by Jesse Piccolo, these sessions are a beacon for those yearning to connect everyday life experiences and personal states of consciousness to the timeless teachings of the Bible. Every week, a new topic bridges the gap between scripture and contemporary challenges. 

#TAPIN T-Shirt

By wearing #TAPIN you represent a global movement to awaken and encourage others to gain a deeper understanding of who they are and what their purpose is.


Find more daily scripture readings online @piccolo_place

Who Is Jesse Piccolo? 

At his core, Jesse guides others on their personal journeys of spiritual discovery through the #TAPIN movement. Jesse's own transformative path is a blend of personal development, leadership, and divine connection.

Jesse dives into the Bible and shares scripture in ways that resonate with today's generation, entrepreneurs, and all who seek deeper purpose. Jesse's mission is to renew the world's consciousness, empower individuals with the teachings of Christ, and inspire everyone to rediscover God within.

Through a community that meets weekly online, Jesse hosts sessions that are a beacon for those yearning to connect everyday life experiences and personal states of consciousness to the timeless teachings of the Bible. Additionally, Jesse speaks at events on topics such as Personal Development, Spirituality, Leadership, Business, and the essence of Winning.